বুধবার, মার্চ ৩১, ২০১০



This is a great Item Having good attack points.
You can get this item by playing Zynga poker upto level 3 or 6.
So do not late to get.

New free Gifts to send

New free Gifts to send

2 new Free gifts are available.
Thsese are
Inflatable Motorboat Inflatable Motorboat
13 Attack 21 Defense

And this one is a weapon..

Barbwire Bat Barbwire Bat
21 Attack 16 Defense
Not so good Items.

মঙ্গলবার, মার্চ ৩০, ২০১০

Free GodFather Points

Free GodFather Points
Here is the link of Free reward Points.


I have got 2. Please write how many you got.

শনিবার, মার্চ ২৭, ২০১০

New event With Greatest offer

New event With Greatest offer
This news is from the zynga forum to you.

10 Million Fan Appreciation Event

Save the Date: March 30th & 31st

This past month Mafia Wars reached 10 million fans on our Facebook Fan Page, an amazing feat we couldn’t have accomplished without all of you. To show you our appreciation, we have developed something special for our fans on Facebook; on March 30th 12:01 pm Pacific Time - 31st 11:50 pm Pacific Time we will be rolling out some limited time celebration features.

For 48 hours, all Facebook users will be given the following appreciation gifts:

* Double Mastery in all Cities--New York, Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok! Your mastery bar will move toward 100% at double the speed!
* All fights produce 25% more experience.
* Everyone that plays during this event will receive a Limited Edition item, the “Heavy Hand.”
* Stats will be released closer to the event dates!

If you haven’t joined us on our Fan page make sure to do that now, so you can get the latest news & announcements, discuss with fellow fans, or rate the game! Also we’ll be announcing the start of the event from there so make sure you and your friends become fans today

Thanks again for all of your support. We wouldn’t be here without our fans!
The Mafia Wars Team.


New event With Greatest offer

New event With Greatest offer
This news is from the zynga forum to you.

10 Million Fan Appreciation Event

Save the Date: March 30th & 31st

This past month Mafia Wars reached 10 million fans on our Facebook Fan Page, an amazing feat we couldn’t have accomplished without all of you. To show you our appreciation, we have developed something special for our fans on Facebook; on March 30th 12:01 pm Pacific Time - 31st 11:50 pm Pacific Time we will be rolling out some limited time celebration features.

For 48 hours, all Facebook users will be given the following appreciation gifts:

* Double Mastery in all Cities--New York, Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok! Your mastery bar will move toward 100% at double the speed!
* All fights produce 25% more experience.
* Everyone that plays during this event will receive a Limited Edition item, the “Heavy Hand.”
* Stats will be released closer to the event dates!

If you haven’t joined us on our Fan page make sure to do that now, so you can get the latest news & announcements, discuss with fellow fans, or rate the game! Also we’ll be announcing the start of the event from there so make sure you and your friends become fans today

Thanks again for all of your support. We wouldn’t be here without our fans!
The Mafia Wars Team.


More New Achievements

More New Achievements

3 new achievements are ready for you.
These are--
  • Burglar
    Earned by vaulting Tools of the Trade collection set of Robbing
  • Master Thief
    Master Thief
    Earned by vaulting Stolen Diamond collection set of Robbing
  • Synchronized Watches
    Synchronized Watches
    Earned by vaulting at least 1 Crew Collection
Are You Ready to get these Achievements?

শুক্রবার, মার্চ ২৬, ২০১০

New Collections for Robbing

New Collections for Robbing

All this Items You will get From Robbing.
Vault to get:for Tools of the Trade Collection
20% more cash and items from Robbing
Vault to get: for Stolen Diamond Collection
Improve odds of successful robberies by 10%

Robbing has backed

Robbing has backed

At last robbing has backed in Mafia Wars.
Now this is only in New York.
But the robbing is not similar that previous robbing.
I think you will enjoy.

মঙ্গলবার, মার্চ ২৩, ২০১০

Daily sell event special

Daily sell event special
In Marketplace you can buy some important things at low costs.
One of them is 4 skill point.
Here it is 14% less.
Another thing I have posted earlier treasure chest key only buy 5 RP.

Here is a chance to get rare vehicle of high attack or defense point (such as 51 for low rider) at low cost.

New Achievements in Mafia Wars

New Achievements in Mafia Wars
New achievements are available in mafia wars.
These you can gain by registering and playing Mafia wars through Mobile.
But it is sad that this service is not available for all the country.Hope very soon everyone will get this.
I think this discrimination should not done by Zynga.

the achievements are----

রবিবার, মার্চ ২১, ২০১০

Special Loots of St. Patrick's Day Dublin Derby job

Special Loots of St. Patrick's Day Dublin Derby job

These are the all Items from St. Patrick's Day Dublin Derby job.
You can get this Items When  the job is completed.



hOW MANY yOU gOT????

Chines New Year Vault Collection

Chines New Year Vault Collection
You can Get a item of string of Firecrackers by vault collections.

The vault item is not bad. defense point is very good. Can increase your power.

বৃহস্পতিবার, মার্চ ১৮, ২০১০

The St. Patrick's Day Collection Bonus

  The St. Patrick's Day Collection Bonus

Did you collect all the Items to Vault it.
The Vault Bonus is Irish Wolfhound

Treasure Chest Key as a Daily sell

Treasure Chest Key as a Daily sell

Usual rate of the key is 9RP. But here in Marketplace it is for 5.
You can get limited edition supercharged vehicle for unlocking treasure chest.
As I got.

Free GodFather Points

Free GodFather Points
Here is the Free Godfather Points Link for You.
It works for me.
 I got5.

How Do You?

বুধবার, মার্চ ১৭, ২০১০

St. Patrick's Day Choose Your Job!

St. Patrick's Day Choose Your Job!
3 option to choice. 

1.Blackmail  The Judges-
Payout: +45exp. 1% 
Requires: 30 
Bonus: +15 
20% Chance of Rare St. Patrick's Day Collectible or the Dublin Stallion.

2.Switch The Jockey -8 hours
Payout: +120 12%
Requires: 60
Bonus: +30
70% Chance of Rare St. Patrick's Day Collectible or the Dublin Stallion.: 30 Bonus: +15 20% Chance of Rare St. Patrick's Day Collectible or the Dublin Stallion.

3.Steal The Favored Horse- 24 hours
Payout: +250 20%
Requires: 100
Bonus: +50
100% Chance of Rare St. Patrick's Day Collectible or the Dublin Stallion.

The St. Patrick's Day Collection

The St. Patrick's Day Collection
You can get these items from-   jobs, fights, and the St. Patrick's Day Dublin Derby.

Irish Flag: drop from Featured Job

Green Fireworks: drop from Jobs

Lucky Pint Glass: drop from won Fights

Bag Pipes: gifted from Free Gift


Green Bowler's Cap: drop from Jobs

Pot of Gold: drop from won Fights

Leprechaun: drop from Jobs